blogs for the pandemic blues
During lockdown due to Covid-19, I reinvented my STRIP-TEASES to deal with urgent issues (2020) and then focus on food (2020-2021) still keeping the light, concise, and humourous edge. The format stayed the same: each entry is one page long, 3 paragraphs maximum length, and accompanied by a strip that when printed, can be cut out and collected or used as a bookmark — or cigarette placebo if rolled up. The STRIP-TEASE ALL ABOUT FOOD! is organized semi alphabetically (the series starts with the letter “E” and not all letters are featured) and each entry ends with the letters w, x, y or z. STRIP-TEASE is available as a blog and on instagram.
During the pandemic, conceived a series of inspirational journals and mailed them out to clients, friends, and strangers. Since people were spending most of the time at home, receiving a letter in the mail was eagerly welcome. It was also a way to support the U.S. Postal Service so vilified by our previous government.
The booklets are small, pocket-size, with nostalgic and familiar themes, to help you cope with anxiety and lack of structure in difficult times. They are all the same size (3.5” X 5.25”) 16-page self cover, and following the same layout: 12 pages for 12 days, 12 months — or perhaps 12 musical notes. The booklets are printed at a local shop — a way to support small businesses suffering during these times in need.